February 14, 2014


You probably have encountered people in your life that your deeply resonated with. Maybe it was a friend, or it might have been a sibling, or a romantic partner. In this relationship you feel that you are able to merge completely with that one person. Like never before in any other relationship, you can feel the flow of love, and your relationship is blessed with joy.

But what happens, if there is no such a person in your life? What if you never experienced this with anybody, not even with a romantic partner? What do you do then?

Far too often people create illusions in their minds about how a wonderful relationship should feel like. And the Soul mate concept is so wide-spread that many people expect a romantic partnership to be successful, only if you finally believe that you have found your Soul mate.

But how do you find a Soul mate, when you have no idea what it feels like to be blessed with joy and complete serenity when you embrace your own Soul? How can you expect that someone else would fill a void in your life, when you don't even know how deep that void is?

It is really your duty to find that love, and to experience the communion with your Soul first, and then to allow this love to fill your whole human experience, before you go out and expect for someone else to come, and do that job for you. It is your responsibility to understand where you have misunderstood your relationship with yourself, and to clear it first, so that the flow of your Soul's love can touch everything in your life.

Then and only then you can go out, and meet the people that you are ready to have relationships with. When you are full yourself, you cannot but experience more love, and more joy. That is when you have allowed yourself to be loved fully and completely by your Self, and your love will pour out in every one of your relationships. You will then feel connected with every human being that allows for the flow of love to be coming to you. And that is when you know that you have found your Soul mate.

► In Stillness and Connection with your Higher Self, you will find the greatest joy, and from that place you will find your path into your best romantic relationship. If you want to join our online retreat (Saturday, February 21st, 2015), and connect deeply with your greatest source of wisdom and love, contact us at joy.clarity@gmail.com The group is small, the rewards are great!

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