January 20, 2015


I am not your regular teacher. I don't stand up on a podium to teach some mystical truths. Anyone who has been in one of my “classes” can tell you that I “teach” things that you already know; things that you heard about in so many ways; things that are familiar truths because you resonate deeply with them.

But what I also do is something very simple: I help you claim what is rightfully yours.

What I mean by that is that I am here to show you that there is nothing – and I say it again NOTHING inherently wrong with you. You are a beautiful Being, worthy of love and all the goodness in the world. You are whole, and wholly loved, worthy and complete. Yes, you are.

Yet, just like I know it, you know it too how hard it is to really believe this statement with all of your heart, and live accordingly to this truth. There are so many layers of perception, and an ingrained system of limiting beliefs that hold you back from living a life of peace and joy.

I know all of this too well myself. I still struggle at times to recognize, acknowledge, and release the damaging belief that I am unworthy of love. Just when I think “I got it,” I find myself in that situation where I am proven how wrong I was. This voice that is telling me I am not worthy is the voice of the ego, and I am learning to see and acknowledge the beliefs that it is projecting into my mind, and I do know that I will be able to change them eventually. But until you and I have uncovered, and looked at every single one of these false perceptions about ourselves, it will not be possible to change our lives from the ground up, and be truly happy.

I also know that working through these beliefs is tedious work, and it requires so much persistence and dedication from you. I know how lonely it can feel to be with yourself, and acknowledge in the most sincere way “Man, today I feel like sh**,” without any further judgment. I know it, because I've been there just yesterday.

What I am here to tell you is that you are not alone. In the most human of ways, I am here for you. I truly am. I can't do the work for you, but what I can do is tell you that I am unlearning, and uncovering all these old beliefs, and I have already made huge progress. I can offer you what I know best to offer: genuine love from my heart, and the dedicated work to help you look in the mirror, and see not only the ugly parts of yourself, but also the good ones. I can help you see that inherent Self that IS whole and perfect and complete. This is how I am hoping to empower YOU.

Copyright 2015 © Alexandra Mahlimay

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