December 6, 2013


You can't imagine any other time of the year when people get so focused on love as they do during the holiday season. Those of you celebrating, you know how you spend your time thinking of loved ones, and thinking about the presents that you can make to them, and about the great time that you get to share together.

You also remember the strenuous times in your relationships, and old conflicts from childhood surface much stronger at this time. This is a time that asks of you to dig deep, to reflect and to consider your inner world.

You do go through such moments throughout your life, as you move past major times of change, yet during the holidays, just like a cuckoo clock striking the hours, you reach this time, and you are faced with the same questions that you've had to deal with (and have done so, hopefully) in the previous year.

Now, what do you do? Do you replay everything from start to end? Do you get stuck in the echo of the story that is being replayed?

Or do you take a different perspective this year? Consider taking a new perspective this year.

If you usually get stressed, anxious, or panicked about the gatherings that are coming around the corner, why don't you try doing something different than you used to, in order to cope with these feelings?

If you normally go to the freezer and eye that big container of ice cream until it finally lands in your lap, and you don't let go of it until it's gone... maybe you can go to your bathroom, take some nice herbs and essential oils, and take a bath?

If you feel that it's your responsibility to feed everyone, clean after the party, and smile while you do all these things... maybe you want to ask each participant in your family to prepare something for the gathering. And when the party is over, you ask everyone to help with cleaning the "big mess," leaving for you only the details.

And since we talk about strategies to cope with the stress and the anxiety around this time, why don't you spend some time remembering how it felt to be a kid in the first grade? What did you want to do all day, at that time? Maybe you want to try one of those things you can remember. How about hiding with a flashlight under a warm blanket in a room that no one else has access to? How about playing a silly prank on a family member?

You see, all these things make you smile. They do remind you of a time of innocence. Even if your childhood wasn't all rosy, you do have some memories of a time when innocence was still present in your life. Well, this is the time when you are given the opportunity to bring back the innocence. It's up to you how you want to do it. Let us know, and all the angels will participate in your game.

Just a note from us at Joy and Clarity headquarters. Our Soul purpose readings will go on sale the week before the Solstice. If you have a question that you'd like to have it addressed in a reading, we will have great offers for you. And you should pay attention because in 2014 the sessions we offer and the prices will change. Thank you for your presence with us so far. We feel honored and humbled by the hundreds of sessions we've been able to do ever since we started to offer our services to the world.

1 comment:

  1. I like to allow myself to enjoy the little things in Life. And its in Nature when I feel like a child, enjoy embracing trees and "talking" with plants and animals
    these things help me when I come back to the city.


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