July 24, 2014


How is that possible? How could a vacation be supporting your Soul's purpose? It's hard for the mind to understand this, yet here's how it is doing just that.

Being on vacation helps you get relaxed, and it is not only your body that is relaxed, but also your mind, and your emotions. Everything changes to a different state of being when you're on vacation. You no longer operate from an automated place, but instead you follow an intuitive flow of energy which usually regulates very easily the activities of your day-to-day living.

So, how can you then support your Soul's purpose by being on vacation? Here's how. When you move into this intuitive flow of energy, the promptings of your Soul are much more available to you because you are listening more, and you are following these impulses without limitations. In this intuitive flow, you are not only listening and following more the impulses of your Soul, but you are also more attuned to the timing of the messages you receive. The "instructions" coming from your Soul are easier to follow because they also make sense to you, more than when your head is filled with confused thoughts.

Doesn't it make sense? Of course it does. You are meant to be relaxed, and to live in a state of continuous flow. But most of the time you forget this, feeling trapped into thinking that it's normal for your body to be governed by stress and lots of pressure. But it doesn't have to be this way.

You can learn again how to relax, and how to let yourself be in a flow. And one of the most efficient ways to do it is to take vacations. Yes, to take time off, and to let go of the stress and the worries of your daily routines, and just enjoy yourself.

It is important to understand this, because when you are consciously making a choice to step away from your work, and from your daily grind, you are removing yourself from a place where you might have felt stuck in old situations that needed some change. And when you take yourself out of those situations, by consciously choosing to do something different AND to enjoy yourself by relaxing your body, you are creating new opportunities in your life. You may find new solutions to problematic situations, you may discover how to use your time at work better, and you may also understand that you were less productive in the past, due to stress and overworking your body.

So, you see that giving your body a break means more than just sitting on the edge of a swimming pool, and doing nothing. It means that you are giving your mind a break from worrying, while you let your whole body relax. You are also letting your emotions find their balance again, and by doing all this, you are more in tune with your body. And after resting, you become more energized, and more confident.

This is how you can see that your body is your partner in guiding you toward the right experience for you, and toward fulfilling your Soul's purpose.

So go ahead, plan your next vacation. It doesn't have to be a fancy one, but one that is restful to you. Take regular breaks, even if it is just for a few days. But when you take those breaks make a point of staying away from the things that are a source of worry and stress in your everyday life. And on the same note, take breaks even if they are just for a few hours in the week to be with yourself, to be in your own energy, to rejuvenate and recover from stress.

Copyright 2014 Joy and Clarity


  1. Hi beautiful souls!
    Thank you for your posts, especially this one. Hubby and I spent just a weekend away last week, not far away, it was a Blues music festival. We camped in our tent, lots of like-minded souls around and on the Saturday morning ALL DAY the heavens opened along with thunder and lightening! It was amazing!! Sitting in our tent connecting to the rumbles of the thunder, (I actually felt my base chakra vibrating!) It brought tears to my eyes. The storm all cleared away about 5pm - so then we walked to the music venues. Since coming back home though I am sensing and feeling such calmness, your message resonated with me so much I just wanted to share it with you. Brightest Blessing to you both and much love.

    1. Hi Teresa,
      I appreciate you sharing your experience with all of us here. Your experience sounds wonderful, and very much aligned with your energies. What a great gift it is to feel so connected like you did, and still do. Thank you again for sharing this with me and all of us here. It's a blessing to hear such beautiful stories.
      Lots of love, Alexandra


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